3D Computer Graphics

#Maya #Blender

I first heard about Blender in March 2017 and start to learn on Youtube by myself. After attending two classes of Computer Animation at National Chengchi University from 2018 to 2019, I got to know more about Blender and Maya. I learned and practiced include model editing, environment lighting, compositing, etc during the lessons. Below are some of the works I have accomplished.

My Role

3D designer (Modeling, Shading, Lighting, Texturing)


2017 - 2019

Tool Used

Maya, Blender, Pixar RenderMan

01. My Dream House

Final Render Image



02. Strawberry Doughnut

Final Render Image


I used the doughnut model I made and found a similar picture to make a new picture that seems like there are two identical doughnuts on the table.


I used torus to make the body of the doughnut and used a cylinder to make the white chocolate on top of the doughnut. I hoped the surface of the strawberry doughnut looks a little smooth and reflective, and the bottom of the bread to look matte. Ambient light and a point light were used for the light. I neutralized both of the light, calculated and blurred the shadow, and used colorRamp and colorBalance for the color.


I colored the doughnut and strawberry sauce separately with diffuse, and sprinkled white chocolate on top of the sauce at random. The shadow rendered a single point light source and ambient light respectively and added blur when it was synthesized to make the shadow look less rigid. Next, I tone the shadow with colorRamp and colorBalance. Lastly, after combining Shadow and Shader with Alpha Over, I used Alpha Over again to compose the background.



03. Other Works